One of my favourite cities in the world! Tips on how you can explore the best of this eco-friendly city in just one day.
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OK so someone got to experience her very first Formula One Grand Prix last weekend and what’s more… at the most iconic race of them all, Monaco! We were generously hosted by the prestigious IWC Schaffhausen and Mercedes, who pulled out all the stops to show us just how it’s done (and in style!). Imagine mega yachts, superstars, fast cars and more champagne than H2O. Taking in the scene alone (along with the infectious buzz of the streets) was an experience in itself! Then throw in a bespoke VIP itinerary which included visiting the pit; walking the track; attending the best Monaco hotspots; and being transported along via private jets, helicopters, speedboats and a convoy of Mercedes S Classes. I mean seriously… #Spoilt

Despite all of this, for me the highlight was discovering the real art of Formula One racing through the victorious Mercedes AMG Petronas team themselves… I mean at one point we were listening in on the same radios that the racing team were using while communicating to Lewis Hamilton and Nico Rosberg on the track mid-race! The guys were so generous with their time and explained every little detail of what really goes on in this sport, ultimately leaving me with a whole new appreciation for it… possibly even a new addiction.
Inside the Mercedes AMG Petronas garage on Pit Lane
I’ve always thought formula one racing was just about flashy fast cars and a great driver… I'm embarrassed now by how ignorant I was. An F1 driver is just one member of a huge team that employs hundreds of people, plus they are so secretive about their strategies and the science behind their cars, that I’d light-heartedly compare it to the cold war. As much as a good driver is important (this goes without saying) he can’t win the race if another great driver is driving a better and faster car. It’s like the yin and the yang – they go hand in hand - so subsequently millions of dollars are spent developing technology to make the cars as speedy as possible.
The Mercedes AMG Petronas team building Lewis Hamilton's car before the qualifying race.
Aerodynamics and weight are key factors in the engineering of these vehicles. Anything that slows the vehicle down even by split seconds can mean the difference between winning or losing the race. Then of course you have different types of tyres depending on the track environment and drivers will change these throughout the race according to the weather and how the track is changing. Knowing which tyres to use and for how long, is a skill in itself - again it can mean the difference between winning or losing. Lewis had a clever tyre strategy in Monaco which saw him go from third position on the starting grid to first position across the finish line (other factors involved too of course). Everything about this sport boils down to knowledge, precision and skill.
Rosamund Pike, Ronan Keating, Lewis Hamilton, myself, Georges Kern, Monica Kern.
So without getting way too geeky and boring you with all the other mathematical elements that make this sport a true science (I can feel I’ve already been bashing away at this keyboard for way too long on this subject) you can probably already see that, there are a lot of clever brains behind a triumphant driver, many more than you may have assumed. It goes without saying that the drivers also have skillsets that far surpass the talents of us mere mortals, but if I get started on that too, then this blog post may never end… so instead I’ll shed a wee bit of light on this in the fun facts section below.
- Because the car is so low to the ground and the engine (which is burning at high speeds for little over an hour) is positioned directly beneath the driver, formula one drivers endure incredible amounts of heat during a race - sometimes up to 60 degrees inside their cockpit! Plus they lose an average of 4kg in weight by the time they cross the finish line. It takes a lot of conditioning to be a driver as normal human bodies simply can’t survive this. I was told that it’s not uncommon for drivers to get blisters on their bottoms from the burn!
- In the days preceding very hot races like Australia, Malaysia, and Brazil, the drivers can drink up to 8 litres of water in preparation before their race. Sports studies have underlined the importance of fluid level in the body stating a person who has lost 4% of body weight can lose up to 40% of their psycho-physical ability (and we definitely don’t want that if behind the wheel of a car travelling at 200 mph).
- Technology now allows engineers to create holes in the engine which are a thinner than the diameter of one single strand of hair! Thousands of these tiny holes allows better aerodynamics during the drive as the wind can come in and out through the engine quickly.
Team mates: Lewis Hamilton & Nico Rosberg mid-race.
- Professional drivers are like jockeys who stick to strict diets to keep off the pounds. The lighter they are, the better they perform on the track.
- Drivers have to remove the steering wheel to get inside the car. A latch behind the steering wheel releases it from the column.
- Even the weight of paint is taken into consideration when deciding on how to engineer these cars. Only certain paints are used (obviously those with less weight & friction) and sometimes paint is even stripped off if it’s seen to accumulate too much weight. There’s a great story about the Mercedes Silver Arrows which you should Google. Basically in 1934 the Mercedes-Benz W25 was 1kg overweight to qualify for the race, so they stripped all the white paint from the bodywork exposing the silver aluminium underneath, and then it passed on the scales.
- Drivers experience severe G-forces when they’re racing, another example of why they’re extraordinary athletes. Not only do they withstand these stressful forces but they can also make crucial, split-second decisions at the same time. I’ll be honest, I didn’t know what a G-force was before now, so I’m guessing there’s a good pool of you who have no idea either? Well this is how it was explained to me… G-force is the pressure that gravity exerts on an object when it is accelerating relative to freefall – so for example, when they say drivers withstand up to 5g when taking on a corner, this is like being hit in the head with 5 x the force of gravity! (or 5 x your own weight). A drivers breath control is crucial because you can’t breathe freely above 3g – to do so would expose you to the risk of passing out - and these guys experience that and more.
NOW IMAGINE... You're the driver contending with all that G-Force, PLUS making split decisions in 50 degree heat, whilst holding conversation with your team mates back in the track pit AND maintaining control of your steering wheel (don’t forget your car is travelling at hundreds of kilometers an hour!). I haven’t even thrown in the bit about other cars being on the track yet, NOR the fact you want to win. I mean seriously?!!! These guys are INSANELY skilled and dangerous. It’s at moments like these that I’m glad I married a popstar!

1. If you haven’t been to the Grand Prix before, add it to your bucket list. Monaco is the penultimate race to attend.
2. Humans should be cloning the genetics of racing car drivers so if we ever need warriors to defend our planet, we’re all sorted.
3. Monaco Grand Prix may be the only event in the world where it’s deemed reasonable to combine private jets, helicopters, speedboats, fast cars and mega yachts all in one weekend. All were utilised fully!
4. IWC Watches & Mercedes epitomise “cool” and “luxury”.
5. Plan your wardrobe – maybe even invest in something new to help contend with the glitterati on the streets.
6. I didn’t even get to mention that we were hosted by the winning team and that our pal, Lewis Hamilton, took centre stage on the podium! Another mate (and fellow Aussie), Daniel Ricardo from Team Redbull, took second pip at the podium. It was an exciting weekend.
7. The only thing that could have made this weekend better, was if we had more time in the diary to stay and enjoy it!
I must say it’s always such a great feeling when your expectations are exceeded and boy did this Monaco trip do exactly that. I just love that one weekend away (which in all honesty I expected to be just a bit of a glamour-fest) turned out to be an absolute education. For me, that’s a much better way to make use of my time rather than just sip champagne. Thank you to everyone who played part in this magical weekend for us - you know who you are and we're both eternally grateful.
Of all the cities in the world “the city of love” is one of my favs and it’s not just because it’s “Paris” (these days being a fan of Paris can sound a little cliché because let’s be honest, nearly everyone does!) but it's because I have some very special memories in this city and over time have come to uncover the real Paris. There are so many amazing facets of this city which go well beyond the Eiffel Tower and the Louvre, so when you take time to truly explore it… you can’t help but be fascinated by its diversity and charm.
It comes as no surprise then that I love any excuse to find myself tucked up on the Eurostar for the 2.5hr trip to the French capital and this time we had the best excuse ever… a very special excuse even. My husband was being awarded by Eva Longoria and the Global Gift Foundation with an Award of Excellence for all his years devoted to, and achievements in, philanthropy #proudwife
So we had 48 hours in Paris and as usal we had a fabulous time. If you happen to find yourself with a good excuse to visit Paris (or maybe even no excuse at all!) here’s my 4 Top Tips for a great Parisian escape:
1. TREAD THE BOARDS: The best way to see Paris is by foot. This is a city with many different masks and I found that it’s only when you’re walking down alley ways and across arrondissements (aka suburbs) that you truly see behind each one and experience how the heart of this city really beats. There is so much colour and character to explore (for better and for worse) and for me, this how you really get to know and understand Paris and the people. Be careful though and always hold onto your bag/ purse!

2. TOURIST TRAPS: If you are going to visit the Eiffel Tower or any of the big tourist attractions (which you definitely should at least once) ALWAYS book in advance. The qeues can be dire and you could find yourself waiting for hours just to get in. There are loads of tour operators with online websites and offers, so spend a bit of time on Google before your trip and lock in a good deal with someone who has EXPRESS ACCESS (not all do) and who can guarantee you the experience you’re looking for at a price you’re willing to pay. Beware there are also A LOT of "shonky" tour operators who promise but don't deliver - do your homework, read reviews and make the phone calls before you give anyone any money.
Basilica of Sacre-Coeur
3. MAKE TIME FOR MONTMARTRE: Everyone loves shopping in Paris and so it comes as no surprise that the famous Champs Elysees (and surrounding areas) command most peoples attention when they’re visiting. It’s the obvious choice. But for me, it’s Montmartre that I would rather spend my time as it has to be one of the most interesting neighbourhoods in Paris and is bubbling with history and character. There is great shopping (more unique and boutique-based) plus fascinating architecture and street life. My advice is not to use a map or to walk the streets well trampled by other tourists, just feel your way around the steep and cobbled streets without guidance and you’ll truly experience how magical this district is. The famous Basilica of Sacre-Coeur (the big white church) sits at the top of the hill and can be seen from almost everywhere, so as long as you’re heading uphill there’s little chance of you actually getting lost. NOTE: On weekends at different times of the year the Basilica of Sacre-Coeur hosts a fabulous market which is worth seeing, so you may want to time your Montmarte excursion around this. Again hold on to your wallet and be aware that some of these stalls are proper tourist traps... don’t be fooled into thinking that all products and prices are authentic!
4. FASHIONISTA HAVEN: OK ladies, if you want to treat yourself to something fabulous in the way of clothing, this is the place to be. Forget Colette (save Colette for cool little nick nacks and gifts) Montagne Market has the best selection of on trend style for those who really love fashion. There are two levels of brands from around the globe - upstairs being the more affordable ones (from what I could tell) and downstairs being the creme de la creme. Even if you don't have the budget to buy, it's a great spot for style inspiration so you can hunt down similar looks elsewhere with more affordable price tags.
Of course I’m going to bring it back to food… I always do haha. Unsurprisingly there are many fabulous places to go for food in Paris and it really depends on what mood you’re in and how much you want to spend. I find that some of the cheapest food experiences are the best, for example I can’t pass a Parisian street vendor without throwing him some euros for a tasty Nutella crepe! But if you want to do something extra special and invest a little more into a great food experience, then I find good recommendations come in super handy. There’s nothing worse than splashing the cash in a restaurant that wasn't worth it #PetHate So here is a quick list of some of my favourite spots – trialled and tested. They’ve never let me down before, so hopefully you’ll enjoy them too!
LE DERRIERE – This place is a hidden gem and the recommendation of a Parisian local who knew I loved unique food experiences… and boy did this NOT disappoint (I have been recommending it to everyone since)! Basically the restaurant tables are strewn throughout an eclectic Parisian terrace house, so you could be seated at a candlelit table in a bedroom, bathroom or even the kitchen. Sounds crazy but it’s super fun and the food is great as well as the cocktails! On a warm summer night you may want to request one of the courtyard tables for a few drinks before cosying up inside for your food.
LE CANDELARIA – For the best cheeky drink when you’ve finished dinner and don’t want the night to end. This little spot is not what it seems… from the street you think it’s a tiny hole-in-the-wall Mexican canteen (which despite it’s appearance, actually serves very tasty and fresh Mexican food) but for those “in the know” the real fun is hidden away behind a small door at the back of the premises. Yep! It’s one of those clandestine bars reminiscent of the prohibition area – tucked away and very cozy, plus serving elaborate cocktails and loads of different tequilas! I LOVE this place – very cool and very discreet.
CAFE COSTE – For lunch on a sunny day. This is a cool spot, quite sceney, not overly cheap but it’s in the heart of the city and set in a gorgeous Parisian sun-filled courtyard (my favourite part). Fav dish is the steak tartare.
LES DEUX MARGOT or CAFÉ DE FLORE – For a mid-morning pastry or an aperitif at the end of the day. Both of these cafes are Paris institutions and certainly the more touristy thing to do (but for all the right reasons)… Les Deux Magots and Café De Flore, which sit side side by side in the Saint Germain district, have long had the reputation of being the place for a rendezvous among the literary and intellectual elite. They are your quintessential Parisian pavement cafés and renowned for their famous clientele – from ex-pat writers like Hemingway to contemporary authors, artists and celebrities and although prices are over the top, it’s worth splashing out on one of these iconic cafes for the ultimate Parisian experience.
MISS KO – For a very cool and vibey Asian dinner. As you walk through the door of this low-lit Philippe Starck restaurant, you feel like you’ve just been inducted into the cool kids club. The walls are painted with trippy murals, there a tattoo-like prints on the tables and the music drums like a nightclub (in a soft and non-offensive way). It really works. The food and cocktails are fab and if you’re looking for a good place to kick-off a fun night on the town, this is your place.
KONG – For a futuristic vibe with great food and great views. This is another Philippe Starck restaurant which was very “in” back in the day and although possibly struggling to keep its trendy crowd now (lets be honest… there’s been an amass of uber cool restaurants pop up around Paris since this one launched in 2003) I still keep it on my list of favs because the principals of what made it great, still remain: great food, great drinks and great service. Furthermore I have a number of great memories at Kong and the décor + views will blow your mind!
LA AVENUE – For a fancy pants lunch in a sophisticated setting. If you like a bit of a buzz and flutter, La Avenue is known to be a bit of a high-end hot spot for celeb spotting and paps (like Icebergs in Sydney, The Ivy in London, or Balthazar in NYC). I celebrated my hens day in Paris here (thanks to my ever fabulous bridesmaid who also happens to be my stepdaughter!) as this was the spot she chose for all us ladies to la-dee-da it up! It couldn’t have been more perfect. The food and cocktails are fantastic and when the sun is shining you don’t want to leave. Like all great restaurants, it’s because of the food that I keep going back despite knowing it's a "showy" spot and the opposite of discreet. I highly recommend the tuna tartare – I’m not a huge fan of raw fish so barely ever order this dish, but I do at La Avenue… it’s my favourite dish of them all!
There are two historic hotels in Paris that provide the ULTIMATE luxury in Paris... Le Bristol and of course the George V (Four Seasons).
The Four Seasons group are devoted supporters of the Global Gift Foundation and so this was the fourth year the magnificent George V hosted the gala event in Paris - consequently we got to stay here again (super spoilt)! We took a small trip down memory lane walking through the doors as last time we stayed at the George V, my husband and I had just got engaged and escaped to Paris with one of my brothers and sister in law for a whirlwind trip of fun, laughter and romance #GreatMemories
Thank you so much to Eva Longoria, Maria Bravo and the whole team at Global Gift Foundation for hosting us and acknowledging my husbands endless devotion + achievements in Philanthropy. The work you all do with your own foundations is incredibly inspiring and we look forward to working alongside you in the future to enhance and save lives.

It’s been a very busy couple of weeks since my last post because aside from the usual juggling of work commitments and catching up on the every-day duties that slip when you’ve been travelling abroad for 4 weeks (argh) I’ve also been moving house! Yep – that’s no small fry. So apologies for the silence on my feed, but I’m secretly hoping I can smooth that over with a little update on the move and some snaps from our new country home. Cheap attempt I know... but hey it’s all I’ve got right now as my head has been stuck in brown cardboard boxes for two weeks!
SO WHY THE MOVE? We’ve been hunting for a new house to call home for a good couple of years now, but for one reason or another we’ve never found ourselves being handed a new set of keys. We’ve become very good at consoling ourselves with a little Irish saying that my husbands mum used to say: “What’s meant for you will not pass you by” and I wont lie, it’s amazing how this one little sentence can pick you up and keep the dream alive when you're losing all hope (don’t you just love the Irish?!). Seriously there’s been times when I’ve just wanted to cry with frustration but then someone would say these magic little words and I’d not only dust myself off again, but also be completely convinced that our dream home was right around the corner... AND it was going to be worth the wait!
WHERE DID WE MOVE TO? The English countryside. It’s still only a quick drive into London and very convenient to Heathrow Airport (which was very important for us given the amount we travel) but when we’re at the house (which we've already started referring to as the farm) we feel like we’re miles away from everything #UtterBliss
WHY THE COUNTRY? Not really sure if anyone is actually wondering this… aren’t nearly all of us born with an appreciation of the simplicity that comes with being removed from it all? I know that I do… but then again I grew up on a farm and worked the land, so there’s every possibility that I’m a bit biased haha
NO SERIOUSLY… My husband and I are definitely one of those couples that move through life in the fast lane (the super dooper crazy fast lane). We work continuously, travel continuously, and cram way too many things into our days continuously… plus with no signs of this slowing down any time soon, we found ourselves craving more balance in our lives and knew that this would mean a serious adjudication of our living arrangements. Essentially this was the only thing that we knew we COULD slow down. We were pining a stripped back lifestyle in the fresh air… wide open spaces… peace and simplicity... all the things a home in the country could provide.
This move was a no-brainer for us, it was the perfect way to "earth" us amid all the chaos of our careers and nurture our souls in the most simplistic was possible.

HOW’S IT GOING SO FAR? One week in and it's already total bliss. Each morning I wake up to the sounds of birds chirping outside our window, then I pull back the curtains to stunning views of rolling green hills. It's a beautiful way to start the day and I don't think I'll ever take that for granted. It's magic!
THE PLAN? To grow our own veggies, harvest our own rainwater and renovate the house! Yep thar’s right… there’s one big reno plan being drawn up as I type. No doubt I’ll be keeping my feed updated with all of that too once the ball starts rolling! Exciting times.
WHAT HAVE I LEARNT? That the Irish were right… what’s meant for you won't pass you by. This was the home that was meant for us and although at one point we thought it was out of our reach, it surprisingly fell back into our laps and now we couldn't be happier. Everything happens for a reason (even if sometimes you can't see what it is at the time) and with a bit of patience, hard work, positivity and hope... you will get there in the end.
My husband and I may have been through the ringer to get here, but it was definitely worth all of it!