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SOCIALLY CONSCIOUS GIFTING: The gift that gives in more WAYS than one


SOCIALLY CONSCIOUS GIFTING: The gift that gives in more WAYS than one

With only 7 nights until Christmas, now is the time to get the last of your gift shopping done and I’ve got a great list of gift ideas that are not only different to the rest, but will also make you (and the recipient) feel a little warm and fuzzy inside because each gift gives in more ways than one…

The idea came from my cousin, Anders Uechtritz, who asides from being super intelligent and charming, works for a non-profit social purpose organisation in Australia, whose mission is to improve the lives of people in need through various services and projects. A few days ago, Anders sent out a family email with links to various social enterprise organisations whom he thought would make great alternatives to buy gifts from this Christmas – I loved it!

Social enterprises are businesses which put people and the planet first. By purchasing gifts from a social enterprise, we can give fantastic, one-of-a-kind gifts while also directly contributing to the great work done by the enterprise.

So for those of you who are still struggling to find that perfect gift for someone who is hard to buy for, or just needing to do some last minute Christmas shopping before the big man in his big red suit trips down your chimney… I’ve gone and done a little research of my own and collated my Top 10 picks for your socially conscious gifting this year...


1. SEEME #HeartMovement fair-trade necklace: 

My husband actually gave me one of these as an early Christmas present a few weeks ago because he was so excited, he couldn’t wait until the big day. He knew I’d love everything about this delicate necklace and what it represented... and boy he knows me well. The SEEME #heartmovement was launched in January 2014 with several fashion icons like Nicole Kidman and Alessandra Ambrosio quick to be photographed for the brand. Karl Lagerfeld, Missoni and Tommy Hilfiger have since collaborated with SEEME and the jewellery is handcrafted by women (often single mothers) who have suffered violence and were ostracized from their communities. Through training, SEEME women learn the craft of jewellery making following ancient tunisian techniques. Thus, while fostering their country's traditions they also secure a workplace for themselves and a future for their families.



2. Aerende Rustic Wooden Chopping Board:

A beautiful timber chopping board makes a great gift for those who take pride in their kitchen and/or house decor. Alternatively I'd sue this gorgeous board as a lovely rustic option for serving cheese! Crafted from sustainably sourced Scottish elm, this chopping board shows the grain and the shape of the original elm tree and was hand-crafted by volunteers recovering from mental illness at Fruitful Woods in Edinburgh.



3. Soneva Fushi Escape:

If you’re looking for something more extravagant to surprise your loved one(s), then maybe this deserted island hideaway in the Maldives is the perfect choice. It’s a place that my husband and I have had on our list for some time because everything about it looks and seems ideal! An award-winning resort with picture perfect sand and beaches… a Biosphere UNESCO protected pristine reef… and an eco-friendly existence which emanates the essence of barefoot luxury. Even more impressive than the resort itself, is the Soneva Foundation established by the owners of Soneva to deliver meaningful projects that have a positive environmental, social and economic impact. By choosing any of the Soneva resorts for your next holiday, you’re supporting a business that through its foundation is proactively making huge impact on our world via their inspiring global projects. 



4. Thankyou ‘OH JOY’ Duo Gift Set: 

This Botanical Patchouli & Vanilla Hand Wash + Lotion will make the perfect Secret Santa or Kris Kringle gift. 100% of the profits from Thankyou products goes towards ending global poverty, by helping to get safe water, sanitation, food and child and maternal health programs to people in need.



5. Global Seesaw Earrings: 

Fashionable and chic, these Carter-Blue earrings will give any outfit a touch of style. Made by women who are beginning a new life at Starfish Project, each purchase is an investment in a mission to transform lives and restore hope to exploited women. 



6. Conscious Step Socks: 

Everyone loves socks for a stocking filler! But these socks are extra cool because they are ethically made and sold for leading non-profits around the world, as a fun way to raise awareness for the work they are doing. You can choose which non-profit you’d like to support by selecting the socks from each non-profits design range. On the back-end they pride themselves as leaders in Fairtrade and organic production using a unique non-toxic dying process, making their products a lot more durable and odor resistant, as well as preventing harm to our environment. 



7. Sniffy Wiffy Body Gift Pack:

High-quality, gorgeous bath and body products which are providing vitally important health information in a forward-thinking, innovative way. Sniffy Wiffy's mission is to increase the number of ladies and gents who know about (and self-check for) the signs & symptoms of breast and testicular cancer. 

8. Samanata Yogi Premium Yoga Apparel:

Inspired by the strength and courage of women and supporting artists and designers around the world, Samanata Yogi dedicates 10% of all their profits to Project Futures, a not-for-profit organisation that works tirelessly towards the eradication of human trafficking and the empowerment of its survivors. Recycled and eco-friendly fabrics and processes are used by Samantha Yogi to reduce environmental impact also. 



9. Forage Cookbook:

For all you chefs out there, you can support village development in Nepal through agriculture enterprise when buying this stunning cookbook. Forage brings together recipes, stories and beautiful imagery from producers, food folks and 100 of the best chefs from across Victoria, Australia. Forage is an initiative born from a group of Aussies who during their time in Nepal, were inspired by the strong connection between the subsistence farmers, their food and the land that provides it. 



10. Prosperity Candle: 

Every candle purchased helps provide a living wage for the women artisans who are crafting them and whom have resettled to the United States from refugee camps in the hope of building a brighter future for themselves and their families. This social enterprise delights customers through design, fragrance, and stories that brighten your heart and soul, and they believe in contributing to the common good, prioritizing purpose over profit, and striving everyday to help end poverty. 



Happy shopping and Merry Christmas!!!







Those of you who follow me across my social media channels will know that I’m passionate about sustainability and ethical business practices. But what is the big deal you ask… and what’s it all about?

Generally speaking most of us have heard the word “sustainability” thrown around, but not a lot of us truly understand the complexities of what it means and why we keep reading about it. When people talk about “sustainable fashion” “sustainable business” or "sustainable living" we assume what they’re talking about but we don't REALLY know the specifics... nor do we attempt to find out. In some ways we detach ourselves from the conversation because we don’t think it has much to do with us (even though it does) and I believe one of of the reasons behind this disconnect, is the language being used. It needs to change. The mass public (especially in todays fast pace society) need simple, quick messages to absorb new information... not complicated intellectual talk that instantly has them overwhelmed. 

Now more than ever before, this has to change. Sustainability needs to find a language and start a conversation that everyone DOES understand. Why? Because it has EVERYTHING to do with EVERY ONE OF US... it’s about the survival of our planet and our future generations.

Did you know that a number of reports have suggested that if our population and consumption trends continue at the current rate, we will need the equivalent of two Earths to support us by 2030?!

This is not a scare tactic by green organisations and global leaders, this is a reality (trust me… once you start reading about this stuff, you will find that there is an abundance of terrifying statements and predictions on this topic). You will also find that there’s also an incredible sense of urgency too (2030 is just over a decade away!).

So that’s why I’m passionate about this cause - I want my children and their children (and so on) to be mind-boggled by the beauty of our incredible reefs; to explore the same rainforests and habitats that hundreds of generations before us have; and to live their lives experiencing the wonder of mother nature and it’s nourishing resources. I don’t want to be part of the generations who ruined it for everyone else to come.

The best part is, it’s not all doom and gloom... we still have time to reverse the cycle and there’s loads of simple ways that ALL of us can start making a difference because #EveryLittleBitCounts and it's easy! This is also where I can help.... I’ve got loads of tips and brand recommendations to share, plus a simple way of sharing the knowledge which should make it easier to digest (well at least I hope so – I'll try my best!).

My goal is to encourage conversation and make it easier for people to understand the basics of what’s going on, plus empower people with the tools to start navigating their own positive lifestyle without compromising their existing one. It’s not about being 100% perfect and living a 100% sustainable lifestyle (that’s an unrealistic expectation of anyone living in modern day society) it’s about making positive choices IF and WHEN you can. Being aware and being proactive in small ways can have a hugely positive effect when applied on mass. If we can all make a small effort, these efforts combined will accelerate change and make a huge difference.  

In upcoming weeks I’ll showcase positive brands and easy steps you can make to kickstart your sustainable journey, but before we do that here’s a basic overview on what we’re talking about...   


There is no single definition of sustainability. The most commonly used definition today is: “development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.” (Published in the Brundtland Report in 1987 by the World Commission on Environment and Development)

While some of us understand sustainability as sustaining anything, sustainability actually includes three dimensions of human activity: the ENVIRONMENT, SOCIETY, and the ECONOMY.


In September 2015, the United Nations released The Sustainable Development Goals (known officially as ‘Transforming our World: The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development).


Because in short, the world can’t replenish its natural resources at the same rate we are depleting them. Today humanity uses the equivalent of 1.6 planets to provide the resources we use and absorb our waste. This means it now takes the Earth one year and six months to regenerate what we use in a year… so with every year that passes, we are creating more and more deficit until eventually our natural resources will dry up. Unless of course, we start sustaining them.


Thankfully there has been a huge shift over the last decade and you’d be surprised by how many brands (both start-up and global) have already employed positive business models with sustainability and ethics at the core of them. I can’t wait to start highlighting some of these in future posts because it will inevitably make you you feel differently about how you spend your money and who you give it to. When you know your money is going to a brand that you can trust – a brand that is doing the right thing by you and your world, you feel good about the purchase and this is very empowering (as well as addictive!).

This shift in business can be linked to the investor communities also, who after years of focusing on a firm’s financial performance to determine whether or not it was worth purchasing stock, they have now turned to businesses with positive business models because they acknowledge that performance is intertwined with future social and environmental impact also. In short: good business = good investment.

On a legislative level, climate change and sustainability are undeniably a hot topic for the UN and all global governments. On the 12th December last year, Paris hosted one of the biggest events in history (COP 21/ The Climate Change Conference) when 186 countries came together to form an action plan to reduce their greenhouse gases and keep the global rise in temperature below 2C. The objective was to achieve, for the first time in over 20 years of UN negotiations, a binding and universal agreement on climate, from all the nations of the world. Off the back of this summit, a number of targets have been set and each country in attendance have agreed to try and adhere to them. This event and its outcomes have been regarded as a historic turning point in the goal of reducing global warming. 

So things are happening all around you and these are just a few examples of what's going on. It really is just a matter of time before living sustainably is integrated into our lives as seamlessly as occupational health & safety… well lets hope so anyway!   



  • Globally, the fashion industry is the second worst industry for polluting our world (behind oil).
  • An energy-smart clothes washer can save more water in one year than one person drinks in an entire lifetime.
  • A crack as small as 1/16th of an inch around a window frame can let in as much cold air as leaving the window open three inches.
  • Some new refrigerators are so energy-smart they use less electricity than a light bulb.
  • One ton of 100 percent recycled paper saves the equivalent of 4,100 kWh of energy, 7,000 gallons of water, 60 pounds of air emissions and three cubic yards of landfill space.
  • One recycled bottle saves enough energy to run a 100-watt bulb for four hours. It also causes 20% less air pollution and 50% less water pollution than does making a new bottle.
  • Recycling plastic saves twice as much energy as burning it does.
  • Globally, we use as many as 1 million new plastic bags every minute, at a cost of 2.2 billion gallons of oil a year.
  • Recycling a single run of the Sunday New York Times would save 75,000 trees.


Stay tuned because that’s for my next posts!


Some of the photos used to collate the imagery for this blog post have been gathered from sustainable brands who have been awarded the Butterfly Mark by Positive Luxury, this means they are a Brand You Can Trust. These include the stunning Song Saa Private Island Resort in Cambodia, Neal's Yard Remedies, Camilla Elphick designer shoes, Mulberry and G.VITERI (formally Prymal) hats. 




Country Beginnings


Country Beginnings

It’s been a very busy couple of weeks since my last post because aside from the usual juggling of work commitments and catching up on the every-day duties that slip when you’ve been travelling abroad for 4 weeks (argh) I’ve also been moving house! Yep – that’s no small fry. So apologies for the silence on my feed, but I’m secretly hoping I can smooth that over with a little update on the move and some snaps from our new country home. Cheap attempt I know... but hey it’s all I’ve got right now as my head has been stuck in brown cardboard boxes for two weeks! 

Dungarees: Ksubi, Hoodie: Kooples, Jacket: cheap vintage buy in Paris, Top: Joseph, Hat: Deus, Wellies: Hunter, Sunnies: Chanel

Dungarees: Ksubi, Hoodie: Kooples, Jacket: cheap vintage buy in Paris, Top: Joseph, Hat: Deus, Wellies: Hunter, Sunnies: Chanel

SO WHY THE MOVE? We’ve been hunting for a new house to call home for a good couple of years now, but for one reason or another we’ve never found ourselves being handed a new set of keys. We’ve become very good at consoling ourselves with a little Irish saying that my husbands mum used to say: “What’s meant for you will not pass you by” and I wont lie, it’s amazing how this one little sentence can pick you up and keep the dream alive when you're losing all hope (don’t you just love the Irish?!). Seriously there’s been times when I’ve just wanted to cry with frustration but then someone would say these magic little words and I’d not only dust myself off again, but also be completely convinced that our dream home was right around the corner... AND it was going to be worth the wait!


WHERE DID WE MOVE TO? The English countryside. It’s still only a quick drive into London and very convenient to Heathrow Airport (which was very important for us given the amount we travel) but when we’re at the house (which we've already started referring to as the farm) we feel like we’re miles away from everything #UtterBliss 

WHY THE COUNTRY? Not really sure if anyone is actually wondering this… aren’t nearly all of us born with an appreciation of the simplicity that comes with being removed from it all? I know that I do… but then again I grew up on a farm and worked the land, so there’s every possibility that I’m a bit biased haha

NO SERIOUSLY… My husband and I are definitely one of those couples that move through life in the fast lane (the super dooper crazy fast lane). We work continuously, travel continuously, and cram way too many things into our days continuously…  plus with no signs of this slowing down any time soon, we found ourselves craving more balance in our lives and knew that this would mean a serious adjudication of our living arrangements. Essentially this was the only thing that we knew we COULD slow down. We were pining a stripped back lifestyle in the fresh air… wide open spaces… peace and simplicity... all the things a home in the country could provide. 

This move was a no-brainer for us, it was the perfect way to "earth" us amid all the chaos of our careers and nurture our souls in the most simplistic was possible.  

HOW’S IT GOING SO FAR? One week in and it's already total bliss. Each morning I wake up to the sounds of birds chirping outside our window, then I pull back the curtains to stunning views of rolling green hills. It's a beautiful way to start the day and I don't think I'll ever take that for granted. It's magic! 

THE PLAN? To grow our own veggies, harvest our own rainwater and renovate the house! Yep thar’s right… there’s one big reno plan being drawn up as I type. No doubt I’ll be keeping my feed updated with all of that too once the ball starts rolling! Exciting times.

WHAT HAVE I LEARNT? That the Irish were right… what’s meant for you won't pass you by. This was the home that was meant for us and although at one point we thought it was out of our reach, it surprisingly fell back into our laps and now we couldn't be happier. Everything happens for a reason (even if sometimes you can't see what it is at the time) and with a bit of patience, hard work, positivity and hope... you will get there in the end. 

My husband and I may have been through the ringer to get here, but it was definitely worth all of it!


Skirt: Club Monaco, Tee: Rag & Bone Hat: Seafolly

Skirt: Club Monaco, Tee: Rag & Bone Hat: Seafolly