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Those of you who follow me across my social media channels will know that I’m passionate about sustainability and ethical business practices. But what is the big deal you ask… and what’s it all about?

Generally speaking most of us have heard the word “sustainability” thrown around, but not a lot of us truly understand the complexities of what it means and why we keep reading about it. When people talk about “sustainable fashion” “sustainable business” or "sustainable living" we assume what they’re talking about but we don't REALLY know the specifics... nor do we attempt to find out. In some ways we detach ourselves from the conversation because we don’t think it has much to do with us (even though it does) and I believe one of of the reasons behind this disconnect, is the language being used. It needs to change. The mass public (especially in todays fast pace society) need simple, quick messages to absorb new information... not complicated intellectual talk that instantly has them overwhelmed. 

Now more than ever before, this has to change. Sustainability needs to find a language and start a conversation that everyone DOES understand. Why? Because it has EVERYTHING to do with EVERY ONE OF US... it’s about the survival of our planet and our future generations.

Did you know that a number of reports have suggested that if our population and consumption trends continue at the current rate, we will need the equivalent of two Earths to support us by 2030?!

This is not a scare tactic by green organisations and global leaders, this is a reality (trust me… once you start reading about this stuff, you will find that there is an abundance of terrifying statements and predictions on this topic). You will also find that there’s also an incredible sense of urgency too (2030 is just over a decade away!).

So that’s why I’m passionate about this cause - I want my children and their children (and so on) to be mind-boggled by the beauty of our incredible reefs; to explore the same rainforests and habitats that hundreds of generations before us have; and to live their lives experiencing the wonder of mother nature and it’s nourishing resources. I don’t want to be part of the generations who ruined it for everyone else to come.

The best part is, it’s not all doom and gloom... we still have time to reverse the cycle and there’s loads of simple ways that ALL of us can start making a difference because #EveryLittleBitCounts and it's easy! This is also where I can help.... I’ve got loads of tips and brand recommendations to share, plus a simple way of sharing the knowledge which should make it easier to digest (well at least I hope so – I'll try my best!).

My goal is to encourage conversation and make it easier for people to understand the basics of what’s going on, plus empower people with the tools to start navigating their own positive lifestyle without compromising their existing one. It’s not about being 100% perfect and living a 100% sustainable lifestyle (that’s an unrealistic expectation of anyone living in modern day society) it’s about making positive choices IF and WHEN you can. Being aware and being proactive in small ways can have a hugely positive effect when applied on mass. If we can all make a small effort, these efforts combined will accelerate change and make a huge difference.  

In upcoming weeks I’ll showcase positive brands and easy steps you can make to kickstart your sustainable journey, but before we do that here’s a basic overview on what we’re talking about...   


There is no single definition of sustainability. The most commonly used definition today is: “development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.” (Published in the Brundtland Report in 1987 by the World Commission on Environment and Development)

While some of us understand sustainability as sustaining anything, sustainability actually includes three dimensions of human activity: the ENVIRONMENT, SOCIETY, and the ECONOMY.


In September 2015, the United Nations released The Sustainable Development Goals (known officially as ‘Transforming our World: The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development).


Because in short, the world can’t replenish its natural resources at the same rate we are depleting them. Today humanity uses the equivalent of 1.6 planets to provide the resources we use and absorb our waste. This means it now takes the Earth one year and six months to regenerate what we use in a year… so with every year that passes, we are creating more and more deficit until eventually our natural resources will dry up. Unless of course, we start sustaining them.


Thankfully there has been a huge shift over the last decade and you’d be surprised by how many brands (both start-up and global) have already employed positive business models with sustainability and ethics at the core of them. I can’t wait to start highlighting some of these in future posts because it will inevitably make you you feel differently about how you spend your money and who you give it to. When you know your money is going to a brand that you can trust – a brand that is doing the right thing by you and your world, you feel good about the purchase and this is very empowering (as well as addictive!).

This shift in business can be linked to the investor communities also, who after years of focusing on a firm’s financial performance to determine whether or not it was worth purchasing stock, they have now turned to businesses with positive business models because they acknowledge that performance is intertwined with future social and environmental impact also. In short: good business = good investment.

On a legislative level, climate change and sustainability are undeniably a hot topic for the UN and all global governments. On the 12th December last year, Paris hosted one of the biggest events in history (COP 21/ The Climate Change Conference) when 186 countries came together to form an action plan to reduce their greenhouse gases and keep the global rise in temperature below 2C. The objective was to achieve, for the first time in over 20 years of UN negotiations, a binding and universal agreement on climate, from all the nations of the world. Off the back of this summit, a number of targets have been set and each country in attendance have agreed to try and adhere to them. This event and its outcomes have been regarded as a historic turning point in the goal of reducing global warming. 

So things are happening all around you and these are just a few examples of what's going on. It really is just a matter of time before living sustainably is integrated into our lives as seamlessly as occupational health & safety… well lets hope so anyway!   



  • Globally, the fashion industry is the second worst industry for polluting our world (behind oil).
  • An energy-smart clothes washer can save more water in one year than one person drinks in an entire lifetime.
  • A crack as small as 1/16th of an inch around a window frame can let in as much cold air as leaving the window open three inches.
  • Some new refrigerators are so energy-smart they use less electricity than a light bulb.
  • One ton of 100 percent recycled paper saves the equivalent of 4,100 kWh of energy, 7,000 gallons of water, 60 pounds of air emissions and three cubic yards of landfill space.
  • One recycled bottle saves enough energy to run a 100-watt bulb for four hours. It also causes 20% less air pollution and 50% less water pollution than does making a new bottle.
  • Recycling plastic saves twice as much energy as burning it does.
  • Globally, we use as many as 1 million new plastic bags every minute, at a cost of 2.2 billion gallons of oil a year.
  • Recycling a single run of the Sunday New York Times would save 75,000 trees.


Stay tuned because that’s for my next posts!


Some of the photos used to collate the imagery for this blog post have been gathered from sustainable brands who have been awarded the Butterfly Mark by Positive Luxury, this means they are a Brand You Can Trust. These include the stunning Song Saa Private Island Resort in Cambodia, Neal's Yard Remedies, Camilla Elphick designer shoes, Mulberry and G.VITERI (formally Prymal) hats. 




She Whispered Hermès


She Whispered Hermès


Most would know that the Hermès Birkin handbag is considered the most iconic and sought after handbag in the world. But did you know that the longest waiting list to purchase one of these bags is six years? Or that the Hermès Himalayan crocodile Birkin bag (the most expensive Hermès bag to date) sold for a whopping US$432,000?

Hermès Himalayan crocodile Birkin bag

Hermès Himalayan crocodile Birkin bag

As it turns out, there seems to be a lot that people don’t know about Hermès and this goes well beyond the Birkin and those mind-blowing prices + waiting lists. Unlike most companies who exploit pretty much any positive attribute or story to grasp a better market position for their brand, Hermès have played the modesty card for decades and built their prestige through subtlety and trust. I love this! Their history is like an eclectic storybook of intimate tales showcasing different princesses, presidents and iconic faces from around the world but all with one thing in common… a love for the quality craftsmanship that is the essence of this institution.

Capucine Birkin 35cm

Capucine Birkin 35cm

Sometimes luxury brands can be judged like the rest of us, observed from a shallow platform based on mass generalizations imposed by others. But over the last couple of years I’ve spent a good bit of time getting to know the real Hermès through my darling Parisian friend, Michael Coste, who heads up External Relations for the Hermes Group. I've sipped coffee at Parisian sidewalk cafes while he's shared magnificent tales of riches and romance and things that you struggle to believe really happened! I've since realised that there's a lot more to Hermès and their colourful history than I had originally thought and consequently I've fallen even more in love with this brand than ever before. Maybe that’s the key to their success? Undoubtedly the quality of Hermès products has always spoken for itself, but like the key to every adored rockstar… there’s an air of mystery surrounding Hermès which leaves you craving more.

On the Hermes rooftop garden with Michael Coste. 

On the Hermes rooftop garden with Michael Coste. 



Here’s some of the fabulous little titbits and stories I’ve learnt along the way. Unfortunately I can’t share all the goss - it wouldn’t be right on a public forum like this, but I'm sure you'll find the below interesting regardless!

  • Hermès began as a small harness workshop in Paris, creating luxury harnesses and bridles for horse-drawn carriages to nobleman. That’s why the Hermès logo is a royal carriage and a horse. This is no secret.
  • In 1900 the firm introduced the Haut à Courroies handbag, which was specially designed for riders to carry their saddles with them. Also no secret but how many of you knew that the first handbag Hermès produced was actually for carrying saddles?!
  • When President Nixon tried to make a discreet visit to the flagship store in Paris, he ended up being caught in the elevator for hours when it got stuck between floors! Can you imagine the state of his security detail?!
  • It was Hermès who kicked off the craze for naming handbag styles after celebrities. In 1956 a picture of Grace Kelly showed the silver screen icon using her Hermès Sac à dépêches bag to shield herself from a scrum of paparazzi photographers and so the style was renamed the Kelly. Stroke of genius right here – I hope their head of marketing received a decent bonus.
  • The Birkin was named after British sex kitten and style icon Jane Birkin after she had a chance encounter with the then CEO of Hermès, Jean-Louis Dumas. Apparently she was sitting next to him on a plane when all her things fell out of her handbag and she complained that her Kelly bag wasn’t big enough for everyday use. They dreamt up a new design together and the Birkin was born. If only we could all have a luxury handbag named after us…
  • The Queen is a firm favourite of the Hermès colourful silk scarf designs. OK most people probably already knew this… but it is noteworthy – she is the Queen after all.  
  • Hidden above the Hermès flagship store in Paris is the most divine rooftop garden, manicured perfectly by the same lady who has been tending it for years. Very few people get to visit the rooftop, so it’s a real privilege to be invited up. Most people don’t even know it exists! Over the years, this very rooftop garden has been the place of romantic rendezvous’, dinners and even marriage proposals by royalty. I'm sure we'd all LOVE to be a fly on that wall!
  • Among the soft landscaping of this rooftop is an old apple tree and one of the scents in the Hermès perfume range called Un Jardin, which has a distinct apple smell, was the inspiration of this scent. There’s a sketch of the actual rooftop garden on the front of the box but again, most people have no idea about the connection. Goes without saying that after visiting the garden myself and hearing this story, I headed downstairs and purchased myself a bottle.


  • Inside the flagship Parisian store there’s the most incredible workshop where a small crew hand craft bespoke pieces for special clients. I call it ‘the romance room’ because each piece they craft, has a story and reason for being commissioned. For example, Brad Pitt commissioned a picnic basket for Angelina on their anniversary because they had shared a picnic together on their first date. This is an EXAMPLE – obviously I’ve substituted names but you get the jist. I imagine this room had helped create some very special moments in people's lives. 
In the original workshop

In the original workshop

SIDE NOTE: The Hermès craftsman use the same tools they did 150 years ago (so cool) and furthermore each craftsman has his/her own set of tools, which are extremely personal and mould + conform to the owner’s hands and movements. When they leave they take their tools with them.


There's nothing like tradition, passion and colorful stories all rolled into one... and there's no place like Paris to help create the perfect setting for them. 



48 Hours in Paris


48 Hours in Paris



Of all the cities in the world “the city of love” is one of my favs and it’s not just because it’s “Paris” (these days being a fan of Paris can sound a little cliché because let’s be honest, nearly everyone does!) but it's because I have some very special memories in this city and over time have come to uncover the real Paris. There are so many amazing facets of this city which go well beyond the Eiffel Tower and the Louvre, so when you take time to truly explore it… you can’t help but be fascinated by its diversity and charm. 


It comes as no surprise then that I love any excuse to find myself tucked up on the Eurostar for the 2.5hr trip to the French capital and this time we had the best excuse ever… a very special excuse even. My husband was being awarded by Eva Longoria and the Global Gift Foundation with an Award of Excellence for all his years devoted to, and achievements in, philanthropy #proudwife

TRAVEL ATTIRE Top: Ralph Lauren, Jeans: Rag & Bone, Shoes: Top Shop 

TRAVEL ATTIRE Top: Ralph Lauren, Jeans: Rag & Bone, Shoes: Top Shop 

So we had 48 hours in Paris and as usal we had a fabulous time. If you happen to find yourself with a good excuse to visit Paris (or maybe even no excuse at all!) here’s my 4 Top Tips for a great Parisian escape:


1. TREAD THE BOARDS: The best way to see Paris is by foot. This is a city with many different masks and I found that it’s only when you’re walking down alley ways and across arrondissements (aka suburbs) that you truly see behind each one and experience how the heart of this city really beats. There is so much colour and character to explore (for better and for worse) and for me, this how you really get to know and understand Paris and the people. Be careful though and always hold onto your bag/ purse!

2. TOURIST TRAPS: If you are going to visit the Eiffel Tower or any of the big tourist attractions (which you definitely should at least once) ALWAYS book in advance. The qeues can be dire and you could find yourself waiting for hours just to get in. There are loads of tour operators with online websites and offers, so spend a bit of time on Google before your trip and lock in a good deal with someone who has EXPRESS ACCESS (not all do) and who can guarantee you the experience you’re looking for at a price you’re willing to pay. Beware there are also A LOT of "shonky" tour operators who promise but don't deliver - do your homework, read reviews and make the phone calls before you give anyone any money. 

Basilica of Sacre-Coeur

Basilica of Sacre-Coeur

3. MAKE TIME FOR MONTMARTRE: Everyone loves shopping in Paris and so it comes as no surprise that the famous Champs Elysees (and surrounding areas) command most peoples attention when they’re visiting. It’s the obvious choice. But for me, it’s Montmartre that I would rather spend my time as it has to be one of the most interesting neighbourhoods in Paris and is bubbling with history and character. There is great shopping (more unique and boutique-based) plus fascinating architecture and street life. My advice is not to use a map or to walk the streets well trampled by other tourists, just feel your way around the steep and cobbled streets without guidance and you’ll truly experience how magical this district is. The famous Basilica of Sacre-Coeur (the big white church) sits at the top of the hill and can be seen from almost everywhere, so as long as you’re heading uphill there’s little chance of you actually getting lost. NOTE: On weekends at different times of the year the Basilica of Sacre-Coeur hosts a fabulous market which is worth seeing, so you may want to time your Montmarte excursion around this. Again hold on to your wallet and be aware that some of these stalls are proper tourist traps... don’t be fooled into thinking that all products and prices are authentic!

4. FASHIONISTA HAVEN: OK ladies, if you want to treat yourself to something fabulous in the way of clothing, this is the place to be. Forget Colette (save Colette for cool little nick nacks and gifts) Montagne Market has the best selection of on trend style for those who really love fashion. There are two levels of brands from around the globe - upstairs being the more affordable ones (from what I could tell) and downstairs being the creme de la creme. Even if you don't have the budget to buy, it's a great spot for style inspiration so you can hunt down similar looks elsewhere with more affordable price tags.    



Of course I’m going to bring it back to food… I always do haha. Unsurprisingly there are many fabulous places to go for food in Paris and it really depends on what mood you’re in and how much you want to spend. I find that some of the cheapest food experiences are the best, for example I can’t pass a Parisian street vendor without throwing him some euros for a tasty Nutella crepe! But if you want to do something extra special and invest a little more into a great food experience, then I find good recommendations come in super handy. There’s nothing worse than splashing the cash in a restaurant that wasn't worth it #PetHate So here is a quick list of some of my favourite spots – trialled and tested. They’ve never let me down before, so hopefully you’ll enjoy them too!

STREET STYLE Top: Maje, Pinafore (worn as a skirt): Maje, Bag: Yves Saint Laurent, Boots: Stuart Weitzman, Hat: No name market buy. Bracelets: Cartier

STREET STYLE Top: Maje, Pinafore (worn as a skirt): Maje, Bag: Yves Saint Laurent, Boots: Stuart Weitzman, Hat: No name market buy. Bracelets: Cartier


LE DERRIERE – This place is a hidden gem and the recommendation of a Parisian local who knew I loved unique food experiences… and boy did this NOT disappoint (I have been recommending it to everyone since)! Basically the restaurant tables are strewn throughout an eclectic Parisian terrace house, so you could be seated at a candlelit table in a bedroom, bathroom or even the kitchen. Sounds crazy but it’s super fun and the food is great as well as the cocktails! On a warm summer night you may want to request one of the courtyard tables for a few drinks before cosying up inside for your food.  

LE CANDELARIA – For the best cheeky drink when you’ve finished dinner and don’t want the night to end. This little spot is not what it seems… from the street you think it’s a tiny hole-in-the-wall Mexican canteen (which despite it’s appearance, actually serves very tasty and fresh Mexican food) but for those “in the know” the real fun is hidden away behind a small door at the back of the premises. Yep! It’s one of those clandestine bars reminiscent of the prohibition area – tucked away and very cozy, plus serving elaborate cocktails and loads of different tequilas! I LOVE this place – very cool and very discreet.  

CAFE COSTE – For lunch on a sunny day. This is a cool spot, quite sceney, not overly cheap but it’s in the heart of the city and set in a gorgeous Parisian sun-filled courtyard (my favourite part). Fav dish is the steak tartare.

LES DEUX MARGOT or CAFÉ DE FLORE – For a mid-morning pastry or an aperitif at the end of the day. Both of these cafes are Paris institutions and certainly the more touristy thing to do (but for all the right reasons)…  Les Deux Magots and Café De Flore, which sit side side by side in the Saint Germain district, have long had the reputation of being the place for a rendezvous among the literary and intellectual elite. They are your quintessential Parisian pavement cafés and renowned for their famous clientele – from ex-pat writers like Hemingway to contemporary authors, artists and celebrities and although prices are over the top, it’s worth splashing out on one of these iconic cafes for the ultimate Parisian experience.

MISS KO – For a very cool and vibey Asian dinner. As you walk through the door of this low-lit Philippe Starck restaurant, you feel like you’ve just been inducted into the cool kids club. The walls are painted with trippy murals, there a tattoo-like prints on the tables and the music drums like a nightclub (in a soft and non-offensive way). It really works. The food and cocktails are fab and if you’re looking for a good place to kick-off a fun night on the town, this is your place.

KONG – For a futuristic vibe with great food and great views. This is another Philippe Starck restaurant which was very “in” back in the day and although possibly struggling to keep its trendy crowd now (lets be honest… there’s been an amass of uber cool restaurants pop up around Paris since this one launched in 2003) I still keep it on my list of favs because the principals of what made it great, still remain: great food, great drinks and great service. Furthermore I have a number of great memories at Kong and the décor + views will blow your mind!

LA AVENUE – For a fancy pants lunch in a sophisticated setting. If you like a bit of a buzz and flutter, La Avenue is known to be a bit of a high-end hot spot for celeb spotting and paps (like Icebergs in Sydney, The Ivy in London, or Balthazar in NYC). I celebrated my hens day in Paris here (thanks to my ever fabulous bridesmaid who also happens to be my stepdaughter!) as this was the spot she chose for all us ladies to la-dee-da it up! It couldn’t have been more perfect. The food and cocktails are fantastic and when the sun is shining you don’t want to leave. Like all great restaurants, it’s because of the food that I keep going back despite knowing it's a "showy" spot and the opposite of discreet. I highly recommend the tuna tartare – I’m not a huge fan of raw fish so barely ever order this dish, but I do at La Avenue… it’s my favourite dish of them all!


There are two historic hotels in Paris that provide the ULTIMATE luxury in Paris... Le Bristol and of course the George V (Four Seasons).

The Four Seasons group are devoted supporters of the Global Gift Foundation and so this was the fourth year the magnificent George V hosted the gala event in Paris - consequently we got to stay here again (super spoilt)! We took a small trip down memory lane walking through the doors as last time we stayed at the George V, my husband and I had just got engaged and escaped to Paris with one of my brothers and sister in law for a whirlwind trip of fun, laughter and romance #GreatMemories 

Thank you so much to Eva Longoria, Maria Bravo and the whole team at Global Gift Foundation for hosting us and acknowledging my husbands endless devotion + achievements in Philanthropy. The work you all do with your own foundations is incredibly inspiring and we look forward to working alongside you in the future to enhance and save lives. 
