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safe skincare

SAFE SKINCARE: The Top 3 Toxin Free Skincare Brands For Face + Body


SAFE SKINCARE: The Top 3 Toxin Free Skincare Brands For Face + Body

SAFE SKINCARE: The Top 3 Best Toxin Free Brands For Face + Body

Over the last number of years I’ve become increasingly aware of the amount of chemicals and “nasties” (as they are commonly referred to) found in the everyday products we put on our skin - some of which are claimed to have detrimental effects on our health. Never before have consumers shown such a desire for natural and non-toxic products, or have they demanded transparency from beauty companies in a quest to remove the risk from their daily skincare routines in favour of the cleaner and safer option. But...

Working out which brands are safe and which ones aren’t, is NOT easy!

It’s like you need a degree to read and understand ingredients lists these days. Half the things listed you’ve never heard of before and then some ingredients will have more than one name or reference for it, making it extra tricky to compare listings with other brands of the same product. When I started detoxifying my own beauty cupboard, I really just wanted someone to tell me A) Which were the best brands to buy and B) Which products to buy from each range.

Then when I fell pregnant everything was amplified ten-fold because all of sudden I needed to know it all urgently. I was on a mission to replace any cream, serum, scrub or balm that was not only potentially harmful to me, but more importantly the growth or development of my unborn child AND I needed to do this as quickly as possible!

That’s why I’ve decided to share the sum of my research and product trials with you. Hopefully this post can save other women from the same stress and frustration I encountered when trying to decipher it all.

So here it is… my list of ‘go to’ skincare brands that are not only so safe you can use them even if you’re pregnant, but they also tick the boxes for being super yummy to wear and actually work too.


Dr Hauschka is a skin care brand which evolved from WALA Medicines - a pioneering company which has been producing natural medicines since the 1930s. The foundations of it’s products are rooted in nature and healing, plus years of research and perfectly cultivated recipes. For me they were a lifesaver, because it was the first luxury brand I discovered that could guarantee completely safe ingredients across a broad range of products plus every product in the range I loved. Everything from the brand philosophy and packaging to the textures and scents won me over, plus it seems to be fairly accessible too (I've found them in the likes of John Lewis and Marks & Spencer, plus other large retailers globally).    

FAV PICKS: Regenerating Eye Cream & the Soothing Cleansing Milk


2.     AEOS

*AEOS is a Positive Luxury brand

*AEOS is a Positive Luxury brand

For me discovering AEOS was like uncovering a cool new underground band that you know everyone is going to LOVE for life, but you get to be the first one to tell everyone about it. AEOS is a pioneering brand which has been collecting numerous beauty awards and building a cult following across Australia, Japan and Europe. Admittedly it is not as accessible as some other brands but you can purchase direct from their website (click image above) and I believe it’s sure to be stocked in the likes of retailers like Selfridges in no time. Why? Because they’re boutique and they’re brilliant! Pure biodynamic ingredients... heavenly aromas... and ancient recipes too. You're getting a quality product that really does hydrate and transform your skin, plus it's a smaller company with a lot of heart and dedication to providing the best for its customers. 

FAV PICKS: Realive Serum & the Beauty Body Lotion


3.     WELEDA

*AEOS is a Positive Luxury brand

*AEOS is a Positive Luxury brand

I’ve recommended Weleda in the past and here they are again making it on one of my lists because not only are they natural and affordable, but the range is so vast there’s something for everyone in the whole family. The ingredients they use are scrumptious and they are simply a no fuss product you can always count on to get the job done safely.

FAV PICKS: Skin Food Hand Cream & the Birch Body Scrub

PLEASE NOTE: The Weleda product range is hugely extensive and although they are all produced from natural ingredients, some ingredients may be better suited for pregnancy than others. If you are pregnant, best just to double check you've got the safest ones for your specific pregnancy.

Happy safe skincare!
